My name is Christina, actually my friends call me stina. I enjoy reading diferent kinds of novels but scary stories. However, I'm now going to try a new adventure..."Farenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury. Also, "Animal farm" by George Owell. I'm just going to have fun^^

January 23, 2007

Entry 1:Theme

* What is the major theme of this novel? Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

The major theme of this novel is the ignorance of knowledge, but focusing on their satisfaction of joy. For example, people these days think their entertainment and knowledge are from TV shows, movies, and other Medias. In Fahrenheit 451, the fireman's obligation is to destruct knowledge and truth, but spreading paradox and brain washing them by burning all the books. Because of all these, people are afraid and began to have negative thoughts towards novels and books.

Here is a quote from the book: “Colored people don’t like Little Black Sambo. Burn it. White people don’t feel good about Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Burn it. Someone’s written a book on tobacco and cancer of the lungs? The cigarette people are weeping? Burn the book.” Like this quote, the character is giving a strong reason why books give out unpleasant affects on different people.

This theme is very important to teenagers in 2007, because teenagers are so into new TV shows, fashions, web page, Internet, video games and much more, than reading and gaining knowledge from other sources. Teenagers think that books are just bunch of papers together and lecturing about what life is or a waste of time. They should know that there is great information that can help them. They can get advises, when they are having a hard time going through their puberty. I wish this project can help other students who prefer Medias than reading and analyzing. They can see other people's opinions and compare to their own ideas.


Korean Cherry Blossem said...

I think that you did an awesome job, but I truly think that a big part in this book was the fact that people were just all wrapped up in their silly little lives, that they didn't care about anyone else. I like the quote, and I think that it is often true in today's society to try to 'please' everyone. Not enough people really stand up for what they believe in, and that can become a huge problem if you let it grow. Another aspect of the problem is that the 'media' is bias, and doesn't tell the whole story. Unfortunately you are right when saying that many teenagers are walking down the sorry road to ignorance. As people we all have this selfish desire to want to do it our way, and not have anyone's help or advice, and when we are teenagers, that attitude of 'I don't need anyone's help' seems to amplify within us. You did a great job of really capturing the theme!!

African Globe Trotters. said...

Yes Rachel you are spot on. Christina the word is advice not advises. Great job with this task! Mrs.Mc.