My name is Christina, actually my friends call me stina. I enjoy reading diferent kinds of novels but scary stories. However, I'm now going to try a new adventure..."Farenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury. Also, "Animal farm" by George Owell. I'm just going to have fun^^

January 23, 2007

Entry 2: current situation

* Are there are any current situations in the world that relate to the novel? What are they, and how do they relate? Does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or "fixed"?

With no doubts, majority of people know that some communist countries limit of what people read. For example, China and North Korea are against some religions, so they banned some of the religious books like the Bible. I’m not sure if they burn them, but there are some serious consequences if you posses it, like in Fahrenheit 451. Some people might face death or severe punishment. This can relate to Montag who actually hid the book and almost got into trouble. With these unreasonable actions of banning books and limiting people’s will, countries are most likely to fail and corrupt. Without knowledge and help from other resources, how can a community survive? How would they know what is right and what is wrong in their lives? If you see North Korea, it is a perfect example because, they are trying so hard to isolate themselves and have a bravado that they will succeed without any advocacy. However, as time goes by, their reputation and dignity is going down below. This is because they don’t know the real world outside. They don’t know what can help them and know what life is really about. If they have some resources like books, they would gain more knowledge and realize that their actions are just stupid and filled with hubris.
I have another thing that can relate to the book that is currently happening in this world. It doesn’t have to be about burning books, but the cause is very important. The cause of burning books is not clarified in this book, but the environment itself is so dependent on technologies. Mechanical hounds, electric-eyed snake, TV shows and more. It reflects on our daily lives where we are relying on Internet, TV shows and videogames so much that we do not care about reading books. Some people consider books as boring papers or a resource that can help them get better grades.
Both of these problems can be resolved by believing of what is right and acting upon them. Are people telling you that books are bunch trash? Tell them that those trashes are going to be recycled and be in front of you. The more you try to get rid of them, the more will come up and affect you greatly. Investing more time of reading would be worth more than playing video games for 5 hours


Anonymous said...

Yep, there are places that severely limit what you read like North Korea. I believe that the those countries that you mentioned are surviving on a philosophy that you or I do not follow: knowledge is a danger.
I can't really disagree with that because books (which in Bradbury's case represent knowledge) are where people often come up with ideas that are not always right or pleasant. However, the idea of knowledge being completely dangerous is totally disregarding the fact that knowledge is also good.
I believe societies following that belief is bound to go wrong because when you give your right to think and expand your knowledge to one person (the government), what will happen if the government has gone wrong?
The only way to improve and make a successful society is through knowledge.
Anyways, awesome insight on the current situation! :D

Have a good rest of the break!

TOVK said...

I really enjoyed reading this piece of blog post because you were able to compare both literally and illiterally of the event that happaned in the book to the real world. Yes, it is true that there are places that really ban books and yes, it is true that less and less people are reading books due to mechanical imporvments! I really enjoyed this that I am gonna thank you for writing such an awsome blog~!
keep it up~!

African Globe Trotters. said...

I think TOVK means literally and figuratively. Excellent connections Christina! Mrs.Mc.