My name is Christina, actually my friends call me stina. I enjoy reading diferent kinds of novels but scary stories. However, I'm now going to try a new adventure..."Farenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury. Also, "Animal farm" by George Owell. I'm just going to have fun^^

January 23, 2007

Entry 8: my choice

* entry of your choice
When our class was assigned to read a book about dystopia, I didn’t really like it because I thought it would be dull and mundane. I enjoy reading but, I didn’t like the topic of dystopia. Second of all, I didn’t even like he cover of Fahrenheit 451. I started reading to just finish my project as soon as possible.
However, my thoughts changed as I read the book. It made me think, and it made me be part of the book. I really enjoyed reading Fahrenheit 451 because it was very interesting to see the similarities between the real world. What if this was really happening? I don’t know of how would’ve reacted. Would I follow the laws? Or have a different opinion like Faber and Montag? It would be horrible to think of a world that is worse than now. With all the dependence of machines and technologies, it would be comfortable. However, living without books would be pretty awkward. It would be a celebration for those who don’t enjoy reading, but majority of people receive their knowledge and information from miscellaneous of resources. Would we be able to neglect all of those? Fahrenheit 451 was a great book to experience all of those. I would like to read it again and recommend to others, because I am sure they would think of the same thing as me.


Lucia Jeong said...

I agree! At first, I started this whole blog assingment without any enthusiasm. It was partially because I already had two other blogs that I had to work on and I was exasperated at first at the fact that I had to do ANOTHER one. Later, it didn't turn out that bad at all. This dystopian theme really began to lead me through and captivated me. I totally agree with you that it is interesting to see the similarities between the real world and this book. Actually, it's also scary to think how much similarity there is between the two world. Let's hope that our reality does not mix with any 'book burning'. :)

Angela Kim said...

stina! Your writing made me want to read this book babe<3 I can predict that the book is going to be interesting and related to our real life. And also after reading this book, I hope to find many interesting facts out. Some people told me that they hated this book. But only by reading your reaction to this book changed my mind and made me want to read the book. Your writing was great :)*

Lauren said...

I think that the part of the book where the old lady gets burned is horrifying to me because it is a human being burnt. I don't think that any person would want to see somebody else get burnt. It must have been a horrible sight. Your point is true too. I think that this part is both horrifying as well as a point where the adventure mainly begins!

African Globe Trotters. said...

Super blog Christina. I am really impressed with your level of discussion. Mrs.Mc.